Juche is Kim Il-Sung’s unique amalgamation of Communist and nationalist philosophy. The North Korean government uses Juche to create a social contract where limited protection is provided by the regime in exchange for the people’s wholehearted belief in its leaders. During the mass food deprivations of the mid-nineties, the leaders failed in their responsibility to provide security of living for their people, forcing the international community to weigh the desire to uphold human rights against the growing belligerence of the North Korean regime.
"Establishing juche means, in a nutshell, being the master of revolution and reconstruction in one’s own country. This means holding fast to an independent position, rejecting dependence on others, using one’s own brains, believing in one’s own strength, displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance, and thus solving one’s own problems for oneself on one’s own responsibility under all circumstances."
- Kim Il-Sung
- Kim Il-Sung